Our Numbers
The Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation is dedicated to providing funding in search of a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, hodgkin disease, myeloma, and all aspects of blood diseases. We do this by means of awarding Discovery Grants to innovative developmental research projects. Provide for palliative care. Conduct marrow donor drives and promote cord blood donations.
Discover Grants Awarded
Grand Round Lecturers
Fully Endowed
Million in grants
Over $470,120,000 towards
146 Discovery Grants have been awarded to date.
146 Discovery Grants have been awarded to
…innovative projects of investigators associated with respected medical institutions as seed money for new directions in much-needed research into the cause and treatment of leukemia and allied cancers. Subsequently…
Over $470,000,000 in grants from other sources awarded to
…many of the Discovery Grant projects and their principal investigators, enabling the continuation of their innovative research.
17 Endowed Research Fellowships
The Lauri Strauss Leukemia and Allied Cancer Research Fellowship Endowment is established and fully funded at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
24 Grand Round Lectures Delivered by
…physicians of note within the fields of hematology and oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
90 Marrow Donor Drives Sponsored
Drives are held and organized with the assistance of The New York Blood Center. Our 1999 drive found a donor-patient match.
16 Awards Toward Pain and Palliative Care Service Awarded
…at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY and Calvary Hospital,